Page 11 - PRCE Winter Brochure - FINAL.2020
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         This  is  a  student  driver’s  education  training  includes  30
         hour classroom training and six hours behind the wheel.
         Students must be at least 14-1/2 years of age by the last
         date  of  the  classroom  session.  Qualification  to  take  the
         written  permit  test,  students  must  complete  the  full  30
         hours of classroom training and  be 15 years of age to be
         eligible  to  receive  blue  slip  for  the  written  test.   Written
         test is taken on your own at location of your choice.  After
         passing  written  permit,  student  drivers  may  drive  under
         the  supervision  of  a  certified  driving  instructor,  parent/  YOUTH MUSICAL THEATRE INTENSIVE
         guardian, or licensed driver who is age 21 or older.  The   Grades 4-9

         supervisor must occupy the front seat beside the permit   Calling all young theatre-makers! Come and learn some
         holder.  Permit holder must have the instruction permit for   of the many aspects of Musical Theatre for the stage in
         six months with no convictions for moving violations, al-  this "Triple Threat" intensive, offered during both Winter
         cohol  or  controlled  substance  violations  prior  to  taking   and Spring Breaks! We will be exploring aspects of the
         Provisional License at the age of 16. Note:  There is an   "triple threat" actor:  voice,  dance, and acting, and  how
         additional permit test fee which is collected by the State   these  skill  sets  work  together.  Instruction  by  local  and
         of  Minnesota,  at  the  test  center  of  your  choice,  prior  to   guest artists will include one-on-one guidance as well as
         taking the test.                                        hands  on  group training and performances, concluding

         Behind  the  Wheel  sessions  are  one  or  two  hours  ses-  with peer and private parent/family showings.

         sions with a max of 6 hours.                            *Please  bring  a  nut-free  snack,  water,  and  jazz/ballet
            Students  set  up  your  own  appointments  by  calling   turning  shoes  or  any  shoes/sticky  socks  to  dance  in
             CMDA Office: 320.255.9667                           (close-toed shoes required overall). Wear clothing that is
                                                                 flexible and easy to move and dance in.
         Class meets: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
         3:00-6:00 pm -  Limit 30                                Monday-Tuesday
                                                                 #20134 Winter Break 2019
         #20132  January 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 21, 23, 27, 28, 30     December 30 & 31

         #20133  March 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31, April 2, 6, 7   9:30 am-12:15 pm (Check-in 9:15-9:30 am)

         Registration Fee:  $99                                  Fee:  $20

         $399 Total Package Fee                                  Wednesday-Friday
         Pay remaining $300 to instructor first day of class     #20135  Spring Break 2020
                                                                 March 11, 12 & 13
         Hutchinson High School Room 1460                        9:30 am-12:15 pm (Check-in 9:15-9:30 am)
         Central Minnesota Driving Academy
                                                                 Fee:  $30

                                                                 Hutchinson Middle School Cafeteria & Auditorium
                         Inclement Weather                       Organizer/Contact Cassie Jurgenson
                                                                 Min. 20 participants, Max. 40 for each break
                If Hutchinson Public Schools cancel or let
                 out early, PRCE activities and rentals at          There will be 2 Rotation Groups (depending on reg-
                        schools will be cancelled.                  istration): grades 4-6 and grades 7-9
                                                                    Rotations include specific instruction on Voice,
                                                                    Dance, and Acting reflecting difficulty level within
                           Like us on Facebook:                     grade/age of each participant group
                             Hutchinson PRCE                                   Fun guaranteed!
                         for program info and changes

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